Friday, March 15, 2019

Of Joy

The miracle of life is yours now
Spring shall birth you
With eggs in nests hatching
Tadpoles in the pond swimming
Bunnies in burrows staring with wide eyed wonder
You will arrive in unison
And sing in chorus with all of nature
Bonded to its fresh life cycles

The sweet scent of newly opened flowers
Will embrace the air you breathe
The sun shining on tree limbs budding with new leaves
will guide you - developing
The fields sprouting wheat will grow swift
And dance around your soul

You are spring life
Conceived in autumn
Survivor of the harsh mountain winter
Birthed in the season of rebirth
Ensuring us all a summer Of Joy

ZAWI - Written in 2003 before the birth of our son Odin - Cherry Plain NY

Monday, March 11, 2019


people say nothing
yet they talk

people go nowhere
but see them walk

like leaves in the wind blowing blind
flying around forgetting their minds

sticking together in gusts of air
leaving others lost in despair

soaring above

some are high

laughing at those who cannot fly

i am here
stuck in a tree
wondering when I will be free

if i should fall and hit the ground
if i lay still with no one around

let me loll for just a day
then someone come rake me away.

First Poem I wrote - age 16, Evergreen Park, Illinois

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Daddy in Vietnam Boots

I can hear his feet shuffling in the gravel and dirt outside as he gardens
I can see his shadow box stance and windy hair blowing under hooded thoughts
His blue eyes brilliant and alive with a passion for life and living
He won the race he prepared for since his father died at 39.

Every flower planted, every fruit - ripe and picked, proudly devoured
sweet juice drips down his chin and he laughs at his youthful enjoyment
He taught me about the child within and how time was ageless and life was worth living

When everyone before you dies too early
you cherish the breath more than others
you take things deeper and hold them longer

His photographs are mine now
I sort through the slides of history
his history
his eye view
I can feel his love for life in every pause framed and held in time

I see myself growing up in these pictures
my mother
my brother
and occasionally him
wearing those Vietnam boots
intense blue eye grabs
my heart
i let him go deep into my soul
and i hold him longer.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Lucky Lady Bug

I toss the Lucky Lady
Off my neck

Thought she was a spider

She flew through the air
gliding past chunky baby feet
near miss -
by newly pounding heal

Her luck is now her own.

This was written while living in Upstate New York.  My son Odin was just starting to walk.  The environment was rich with life in all realms including butterflies, ladybugs, daddy long legs, and all those other pesky insects that flourish in the spring and summer.  This poor lady bug was confused with one of the pesky types and was flung from my flesh with a near death by Odin's proud pounding feet.  I might have tossed away some luck here but she was lucky to have it all the same.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


So we meet again

Roads leading to the source of our connection
We inevitably drive them and find each other in motion

Memories soar through the time of now becoming interpreted new

Living what was - confuses the moment and laughter flows out of the discomfort

Love awakens with smiles and all is returned to the present

You, us and the energy of being alive

We live the day creating memories new

Driving away in silent longing it is known this path remains open

We are together in energized time even when the distance between us is long.


Saturday, May 28, 2011

And Forever

My love for you 
is that of the ocean

All of my rivers
run to join it

The sun and the moon
command it to continue

It is dynamic in response to worldly blessings

From raging storms commanding silence
to smooth calm tide strokes 

It gives unto the clouds
so they may rain angels upon your skin

It is a source of life
as is my love for you 
the essence living me on

and forever

Monday, May 23, 2011

In the wind - music

Under ocean thoughts of swimming a way
to another day
in this bright blue hue
memories of you
when we would share
in a laughter
clouded by a love
which flowed from the sky wonders
sun touched and giving life
to all that we pursued

The clouds are all reminders
of the days
when cool feelings surfaced
and pennies became poetry
our connection became kites flying  free from string holds

now i find me - high views
and distanced perspectives
yet trapped in the warm arms of a family tree
remembering the times of flying free

i will always love you - music.

till we meet in the wind - again.

zawi 2010